RoxyLean is one of the most advanced, innovative ways to lose weight. This thermogenic fat burner doesn’t just suppress appetite and raise your metabolic rate – it can even improve focus and mood. With RoxyLean’s powerful blend of high-quality ingredients, you’ll finally be able to reach your fitness goals with ease! That’s according the official website. What is the reality? Read the impartial review

Contains some good ingredients.
There are some positive reviews.
Reasonably well priced.
Reputable manufacturer.
Some users complain of side effects.
Other products are preferred in our opinion.
BPI Sport make good products. They have been in the industry a long time and have a good reputation. If you are tempted to purchase any of their products and have any doubt about their reputation – don’t be.
From ma product perspective, RoxyLean is good product – sadly not a great one. We feel if you are intent on losing body fat there are different supplements that offer a better solution.
Recommended Alternative: We have reviewed many of products (click here to view the recommended alternative brands) over the years and have our favorites. We rate and rank the various brands based on a strict criteria.
Content Table
What is BPI Sports Roxylean?
Roxylean is a fat burner made in the USA by BPI Sports. The company was founded in 2009 and is based in Florida.
Although BPI Sports appears to sponsor several credible athletes, it’s hard to find out much information about the company at all.
The “about us” page on the official website only provides a few statements about the corporate vision and, although BPI Sports appears to have some admiral goals, it would be nice to know something about the people involved.
Although it’s marketed as an “extreme fat burner”, BPI Sports is unlikely to be the best option for the average person who needs a supplement to provide weight loss support. Like the rest of the products sold under the BPI Sports brand, Roxylean has been formulated with serious athletes in mind.
If you are a committed bodybuilder or strength athlete, Roxylean is a supplement you may want to consider. Especially during cutting cycles. If you don’t love to lift or live for the pump, you are probably better off looking elsewhere.
Still not sure if Roxylean will be the right fat burner or you? This review provides important information to help you decide.

Roxylean Benefits
- Supports weight loss
- Increases energy and focus
- Boosts performance
- Provides appetite support
How Does Roxylean Work?
Roxylean provides several natural ingredients that can speed up metabolism. When metabolism increases, the body burns extra calories. It may also start burning more of its fat.
However, Roxylean and similar products need to be used alongside a low-calorie diet.
When your diet provides fewer calories than your body needs it has to begin using its fat. When metabolism increases, so does the calorie drain, causing you to burn extra fat.
It’s like a delicate house of cards though. Continue to put too many calories into your body and everything falls down.
For many people, hunger is their greatest adversary. That’s why diet pills that suppress appetite can be so helpful. Unfortunately, although Roxylean may offer a little support in this area, it may not be enough. There are alternative products that can do a lot more.
But let’s not forget Roxylean is a sports supplement designed to provide improvements in energy, focus, and performance. It’s a fat burner that can help you to train.
Although the average dieter may be susceptible to hunger, many athletes are not. Normal dieters often become overweight by habitually putting too much food in their mouths – and at the wrong times. When an athlete requires a fat burner it’s more likely to be to refine a body that already looks good.
What’s the Best Way to Use Roxylean?
The dose is one capsule per day. BPI Sports states it’s best to take the capsule first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach.
There are 60 capsules in a bottle, so don’t be caught out. Each bottle is meant to last for a couple of months, not just one. BPI Sports makes it clear it would be extremely unwise to exceed the stated dose of one capsule per day.
Ingredient Profile
The formulation consists of 11 ingredients, 9 of which are housed in a proprietary blend.
One Roxylean capsule provides:
- Thiamin (185 mg)
- Niacin (30 mg)
- Roxylean Proprietary Blend (510 mg)
- Caffeine Anhydrous
- Lemon
- Adhatoda Vasica (Leaf)
- Yohimbe
- Goldenseal (Root)
- White Willow
- Chinese Skullcap (Root)
- Rauwolfia (Root/Rhizome)
What Do the Ingredients Do?
Although some of the inclusions, such as caffeine and yohimbine, are popular supplement ingredients, most of the other ingredients are not.
The fact that there are no inclusion rates provided for nine of the ingredients makes this a very difficult formulation to evaluate.
Thiamin (185 mg)
Thiamin is a B vitamin (B1). As is the case with all B vitamins, it provides invigoration by helping the body extract energy from food.
This is a very generous dose. Possibly too generous. It far exceeds the daily requirement of around 1 – 1.2 mg.
Fifty milligrams is considered a high dose. Roxylean provides more than three times this amount. Fortunately, there is no evidence to suggest high doses of thiamin may be harmful.
However, the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) still caution against consuming thiamin in excessive amounts. (
Niacin (30 mg)
Niacin is Vitamin B3. It’s another popular energy booster. Niacin is also a vasodilator. It relaxes the blood vessels, allowing the muscles and major organs to reap the benefits of an improved supply of blood.
Many sports supplements provide niacin because, by improving circulation, it makes it easier to train harder and longer.
The dose provided here is somewhat higher than the RDA but is minuscule in comparison to the amounts many sports supplements provide. People taking niacin supplements to lower cholesterol often take 1,000 – 2,000 mg per day.
However, high doses of niacin can cause niacin flush. This is a condition that causes the skin to become flushed. Tbe skin may also feel uncomfortably warm. A lot of people don’t like the sensation.
Fortunately, niacin flush is not dangerous and the effects are short-lived. (
Due to the relatively low inclusion rate (in comparison to many other supplements), Roxylean should not present much of a risk of niacin flush. Nevertheless, customer reviews show many people using the product experience the effect.
Proprietary Blend (510 mg)
It’s difficult to say what the Roxylean Proprietary Blend is likely to do – good or bad. Ingredient potential relies heavily on ingredient quantity.
Even the best ingredients can perform poorly when they are underdosed and overly high doses of some compounds can result in nasty side effects.
Lemon is a benign ingredient though. It’s hard to know why it’s present. Perhaps BPI Sports is using it as a source of Vitamin C.
If the proprietary blend is predominantly lemon, it’s not going to do much. This is unlikely but it could happen. Oh the joys of proprietary blends!
Caffeine is a different story. It’s a powerful stimulant. If most of the proprietary blend is caffeine, one pill would provide an incredible energy boost. It would also present a severe risk of jitters, anxiety, and other caffeine-related side effects.
However, a dose of 100 mg would be enough to be beneficial and be less likely to result in negative issues. It would also enhance the formulation’s fat-burning abilities because caffeine is a proven metabolism booster. (
Adhatoda vasica is an unusual inclusion. It’s an Ayurvedic herb that’s traditionally used in India as a treatment for respiratory disorders.
Yohimbe is a bark extract that’s often used for tackling erectile dysfunction. When combined with resistance training, it may improve body composition by encouraging increases in muscle mass along with fat loss. (
The other ingredients have more disputable value. That’s not to say none of them have any value at all but the big problem here is, we have no idea how much of each one is involved. Delving further into theoretical benefits is a waste of time.
Are There Any Roxylean Customer Reviews?
Roxylean has lots of customer reviews. Most of them are very good but some of the negative reviews make scary reading.
Some Positive Roxylean reviews:
I can’t believe it. I’ve tried every weight loss product out there and nothing has worked, but then I found RoxyLean fat burner. It’s the best thing that ever happened to me! In just a few months I lost 30 pounds and my life is so much better now!
JJ, Montreal, Canada
Hi, My name is Sarah and I’m an avid runner. When I started using RoxyLean it was mainly for the energy boost to help me out during my long runs. But then one day I forgot to pack a lunch and couldn’t find anything nearby so I grabbed a bag of chips from the vending machine at work…I don’t know what happened but after that, every time I used RoxyLean instead of thinking about how hungry or thirsty or tired I was (even though all of those things are still there), my thoughts were consumed with how much weight i had lost.”
Sarah, New York, USA
My name is Nick, and I am a huge fan of RoxyLean fat burner. I have been using this product for about 3 weeks now, and it has already helped me lose 7 pounds! This is the most weight that I have lost in such a short period of time since starting my journey to health.
Nick C, Boston, USA
Some Negative RoxyLean Reviews:
I had such high hopes for my RoxyLean fat burner, and I really wanted to believe the testimonials from friends who also tried it. Granted, I’m not one of those people who has a lot of weight to lose. I only need about five pounds. But with so many people saying that they lost 20-30 pounds in just a few months, I thought there was no way it could fail me.”
Paul N, London UK
RoxyLean was not what I thought it would be and should not be a weight loss supplement. The first day I tried it, I felt jittery as if my body just could not handle the energy boost. This is something that made me feel like crap because then I couldn’t sleep at night which caused me to feel even more sluggish the next day. As someone who usually eats healthy and exercises, this product did nothing for me but make things worse.
Dean J, Melbourne, Australia
Does Roxylean Have Any Side Effects?
Several of the ingredients in Roxylean are capable of causing side effects. Caffeine can cause jitters and nausea, goldenseal can cause nausea and vomiting, and Chinese skullcap can cause drowsiness, anxiety, and mental confusion.
Customer reviews mention some of these side effects and many more.
Some of the reported side effects include:
- Racing heartbeat
- Jitters
- Extreme nausea
- Anxiety
- Dizziness
- Hives
- Allergic reaction
- Tingling sensations
- Hot flushes
Before using Roxylean it’s a good idea to contact a doctor and get some expert advice.
Purchasing Options and Considerations
You can buy Roxylean from the BPI Sports website. It’s also available via Amazon and a number of online supplement stores. You may be able to order from GNC both online and in person / in store.
It usually costs around $24 per bottle but some online suppliers bump up the price and sell it for more.
BPI Sports is a cheap fat burner to buy. There’s no denying it and, because each bottle provides a 60-day supply of pills, using Roxylean should only cost you around $12 a month.
Is There a Guarantee?
Roxylean has a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Hit or Miss? (Can You Lose Weight with Roxylean?)
Roxylean provides a very unusual combination of ingredients. The formulation could be greatly improved by losing a few of the less credible inclusions and replacing them with a respected fat burner, such as green tea.
It would also be good to see some nopal or glucomannan in there. Either one would help Roxylean live up to the promise of appetite suppression. As it is, the product is unlikely to offer much protection against hunger.
The possible side effects are also a cause for concern. Although reports of negative reactions are only present in a relatively small percentage of customer reviews, some of the issues former users relate are worrying, to say the least.
Many people say Roxylean works well for them though. However, some of the ones who say these things mention minor side effects, such as insomnia, as an add-on issue.
Nevertheless, Roxylean is a cheap fat burner to buy and it has a guarantee. These two things may add to its attraction but whether you experience good results or unpleasant side effects could come down to the way the formulation reacts with your personal metabolism. It’s pretty much the luck of the draw.
Alternatives Fat Burners to Consider
The fat burning supplement marketplace is not short on options! There are many fat reducing pills and thermogenic capsules that compete with BPI RoxyLean for your attention.
We have reviewed many of these products (click here to view the recommended alternative brands) over the years and have our favorites. We rate and rank the various brands based on a criteria such as:
- Do they work?
- Are they safe?
- Do they provide value for money?
- Is there a money back refund policy?
- What do previous customer say?
- Is the company that is making or selling the pills, tablets or capsules reputable?