Lean PM is a combination appetite suppressant and sleep aid by Jacked Factory. It is a weight loss pill that is arguably one of the most popular on Amazon. It is also a fat burning supplement that can be used to either lose weight or as a pre workout supplement. Here’s our review

Reputable brand.
Versatile – Fat burner, appetite suppressant, sleep aid
Stimulant free fat burner.
Made in a cGMP certified facility
Some good customer reviews.
It is not the best fat burning formula in our opinion.
Tries to be be many things (weight loss pill / sleep aid).
Some customers complain of side effects.
Other products preferred.
As an appetite suppressant Lean PM is ok. As a fat burning supplement it is ok … as a sleep aid it is ok. You kind of understand what I am trying to convey here – it is a pretty average product that tries to do too many things.
Recommendation Alternative: If you want a multi action diet pill that targets fat burning, appetite suppression and fat loss then we have compiled our best weight loss pills list.
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What is Lean PM
As the name suggests, Lean PM is a supplement designed to help people to sleep and burn fat while they are asleep. It’s manufactured in the US by Jacked Factory.
Jacked Factory is not a one-hit-wonder. It markets several other health and wellness products as well. Burn XT is one of their most popular products. Lean PM should not be confused with Oxy Lean PM
The company also distributes some sports supplements including creatine and whey powder.
According to the marketing material, Lean PM is the “best fat loss supplement without caffeine or other stimulants.” That’s a big claim. There are plenty of good stimulant-free fat burners on the market and I can think of a few that I’d choose over Lean PM any day of the week.
Jacked Factory also claims its nighttime fat burner allows people to wake up feeling refreshed, without any of the hangover-effects that many other sleep aids cause. After wading through all the Lean PM customer reviews, I know for a fact there’s a lot of people who disagree with that.

What are the Advertised Lean PM Benefits
Jacked Factory makes a lot of claims for this product. First of all, there are the claims made on the bottle; then there are the ones made via the Lean PM sales page on the company website.
The claims on the bottle look like this:
- Suppresses appetite
- Burns more calories
- Increases fat loss
- Natural sleep aid
- Stimulant-free fat burner and sleep aid for men and women
Now let’s take a look at the additional claims made on the site:
- Promotes restful sleep
- Helps you to fall asleep faster
- Controls food cravings
- Burns fat while you sleep
- Enhances mood and relaxation
- Improves body composition
- Enhances muscle building
- Prevents fat storage
- No jitters, headaches, or crashes
- Manufactured in the USA in a cGMP facility
How Does Lean PM Work?
The original idea appears to be that the product will do two things:
- Help people to sleep better
- Burn fat while they are asleep
It is also used as a pre workout by some customers
Looking at the formulation, that’s what it is intended to do. Some of the other claims such as “prevent fat storage” and “enhance muscle building” don’t seem a good match for a product of this nature. However, it does contain an ingredient that may improve the mood.
So, who is this product for? People who have difficulty sleeping and also need to lose weight? Possibly. People who are hoping to go to bed and wake up lighter? That’s possible too.

As far as the fat-burning claim goes, the formulation contains a compound taken from green tea that should help increase metabolism. In so doing it will make the body burn extra calories per hour.
When you are on a low-calorie diet, you starve your body of energy (measured in calories). This forces it to burn fat as an alternative source of fuel.
The truth is, if you are following a structured weight loss plan, when you go to bed the energy shortage caused by your diet should make burn fat while you are sleeping anyway.
In theory, Lean PM could help you to burn a little bit more. The same could be said for any other fat-burning product and, indeed, for a cup of green tea.
Let’s get something very clear though. Unless your diet is right, no supplement on earth will help you to lose weight. Not at night and not during the day.
What’s the Best Way to Use Lean PM?
The instructions on the bottle advise people to take two capsules per day, on an empty stomach, 45 minutes before going to bed.
The Lean PM usage guidelines provided on the Jacked Factory website are more informative. They make it clear the product is only for healthy adults and suggests new users begin by taking half the regular dose for the first three days.
Customers are warned not to increase the dose unless the product is well tolerated.
The usage guidelines on the company website also point out the need to use Lean PM alongside regular exercise, quality nutrition, and healthy lifestyle habits.
Customers are also told to drink plenty of water throughout the day to maintain hydration and overall health.
The company issues a standard warning as well. It advises certain individuals to get a doctor’s input before using the product:
- People under 18-years of age
- Women who are pregnant or nursing a child
- People with a medical condition
- People using medication
Customers who experience any “undesirable effects” need to stop using the product immediately and seek medical advice.
What is in it? Ingredient Profile
Two capsules provide:
- Vitamin B6 (10 mg)
- Magnesium Citrate (150mg)
- Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) (300mg)
- L-Theanine (200mg)
- 5-HTP (150mg)
- Melatonin (5mg)
- Bioperine (5mg)
What Do the Ingredients Do?
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is a popular energy drink ingredient. It helps the body draw energy from food. It also has a role to play in mood regulation. (https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/vitamin-b6-benefits#section1)
Magnesium Citrate
Magnesium citrate provides magnesium. The citrate form is easy for the body to absorb.
Magnesium supports many functions within the body. One of the things it does is help regulate the neurotransmitters that enable communication throughout the central nervous system.
Jacked Factory fails to state the role this ingredient plays in its nighttime fat burning formulation.
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)
EGCG is an antioxidant that helps purge toxins from the body and supports good health. It’s also the main fat burning compound in green tea. Research suggests it works by increasing metabolism and calorie burning.
L-theanine is an amino acid that’s generally taken from green tea. Research suggests it provides relaxation without causing drowsiness. Some people take L-theanine supplements to relieve stress and help them unwind.
The 5-HTP in supplements generally comes from the seeds of the plant Griffonia simplicifolia. It’s sometimes used for treating sleep problems, depression, and anxiety.
5-HTP stimulates the production of serotonin.
Serotonin is known as the “feel-good hormone” because of its affect on the mood. It also influences appetite, sleep, and sexual desire.
At this time, there is still a lack of evidence to support the use of serotonin (in supplement form) for anything other than depression.
Melatonin is a hormone. Your body manufactures it in the pineal gland. It’s the hormone that helps your body know when to go to sleep and when to wake up.
Melatonin production normally increases as the night draws in. This helps you to sleep. Production decreases the following morning, making it easier to get up.
Some people take melatonin supplements to help them sleep. The melatonin in supplements can be synthetic or natural. If it’s natural it’s taken from animals. Jacked Factory fails to state which form it’s using so vegans and vegetarians will need to give this product a wide berth.
The sleep-enhancing ability of melatonin supplements is open to debate. Some studies suggest it works, others suggest it does not.
Bioperine is a respected brand of black pepper extract. Black pepper provides the alkaloid piperine.
Although piperine appears to have some value as a fat burner, it’s generally added to supplements because it helps your body to absorb the other ingredients it’s blended with.
Bioperine is a standardized extract that’s standardized to be 95% piperine. If there’s a better black pepper extract available I’ve never encountered it. As far as I know, Bioperine is as good as it gets.
Are There Any Lean PM Customer Reviews?
Customer reviews are available. The majority of the ones on the manufacturer’s website make the product look incredibly good.
I don’t trust feedback placed on manufacturer’s websites. The site owners have too much control over what is reviewed and which ones go live and which ones do not.
Amazon reviews are mixed. A lot of customers praise the product, stating it’s helping them to sleep better and lose weight.

Unfortunately, many customers say the product did not do anything for them at all and an alarming number report experiencing side effects.

Does Lean PM Cause Side Effects
The fact that Jacked Factory suggests people take a softly-softly approach when using Lean PM for the first time suggests it’s aware side effects are a possibility. Customer reviews certainly suggest it.
Before going any further, I need to point out the majority of Amazon customers appear to have been able to use the product without issue. However, the 1-star reviews contain a lot of reports of side effects.
Strangely enough, a lot of customers say the product stopped them from sleeping and complain about being awake all night.
Such reports are less common, but some customers say the product made them feel tired throughout the day.
Other reported side effects include:
- Nocturnal panic attacks
- Vision problems
- Nausea/vomiting
- Stomach pain
- Headaches
- Difficulty waking up
- Daytime fatigue and difficulty staying awake
- Carb cravings
I’m not a doctor, so I’m not qualified to say why the formulation may cause some people to experience such problems. However, melatonin can cause many of the issues customers report including daytime sleepiness, anxiety, headache, and stomach discomfort.
As I said, I’m not a doctor but, if you are thinking of using this product, I suggest you seek the advice of someone who is.
Hit or Miss? (Can You Lose Weight with Lean PM?)
Lean PM contains EGCG. It’s the main fat-burning compound in green tea. If your diet has already caused an energy deficit and you take Lean PM before going to bed, you may burn a few extra calories while you sleep.
The formulation also contains ingredients that are associated with relaxation and sleep. Customer reviews suggest Lean PM does help some people to sleep better and lose weight. That’s fantastic for the people concerned.
Unfortunately, customer reviews also suggest the formulation does not work for everyone. It’s hit and miss. They also reveal side effects can be an issue, some of which may prevent people from functioning normally in their home and work environments.
There are two major considerations to bear in mind before buying this product. First of all, due to the possibility of side effects, it’s advisable to get professional medical advice before using Lean PM. Secondly, there are better options available.
If you want to burn fat and lose weight, make the necessary lifestyle adjustments and choose a respected weight loss product. If you have difficulty sleeping, there are herbal supplements that may help. Some people find all they need is a cup of chamomile tea.
However, if you have persistent problems sleeping, the best thing to do is consult your doctor and get some expert advice.
Where to Buy Lean PM – Canada and USA
Jacked Factory appears to be mainly interested in marketing its products within the US and Canada. From what I can see, it’s only possible to buy them from the company website and Via Amazon.com.
The company website only offers shipping to the two aforementioned countries. Jacked Factory does appear to offer worldwide shipping to Amazon customers though.
As far as the price goes, Lean PM is a pretty cheap supplement to buy. The price is just under $30 per bottle. Each bottle contains 60 capsules. That means people taking the regular dose of two capsules per day will only need to buy one bottle of Lean PM per month.
Be aware the price you see is not the price you pay. Shipping is extra. The company website offers several options. The cheapest is DHL ($4.99). The most expensive is FedEx 1-Day Express ($25). If you buy Lean PM via Amazon, the shipping costs will depend on where you live.
Is There a Guarantee
At the time of this review, Jacked Factory was offering customers a 90-day money-back guarantee. Ninety days gives customers plenty of time to use Lean PM and see what it can do, but the guarantee is not as good as it appears.
When I scrutinized the returns policy page on the company website I discovered the guarantee is only valid for the first purchase customers make from the company.
That means, if you have previously bought one of the company’s other products, then buy Lean PM and are unhappy with the results, you won’t be able to get a refund. It’s the first time I’ve ever encountered a guarantee of this nature.
The rest of the terms of the guarantee are pretty standard.
Before making a return, customers have to email the customer support department, provide their order ID, request a return, and then mail their unwanted product to the New York address provided on the Jacked Factory website.
The refund does not include return shipping and handling fees. I always worry when companies mention handling fees. Especially when the fees are not stated. There is no way of knowing how much money will be deducted.
That gives companies the opportunity to make a refund that’s just a few cents to the dollar without violating the terms of their guarantee.
I’m not saying that’s what will happen here. Certainly, I’ve found no online complaints about the Jacked Factory guarantee at the Better Business Bureau or any other trusted source. However, if I was considering buying any Jacked Factory products for myself, a guarantee like this would put me off.
Recommended Alternatives: If you are looking for a versatile weight loss pill that can burn fat, suppress appetite and reduce the introduction of new fat from your consumed fat. Click here to view our top ranked products