There are many multi-vitamins on the market. However, there are not that many that are made exclusively for women that are actually dosed correctly. There are are even less that can compete with the nutritional value and balance of Powher Multi Vitamin for women. Read the review to find out why it so highly regarded by the industry.

Great looking brand
Created exclusively for women
Correct dosage of most of the vitamins
Highly reputable company
Iron dosage could be higher
Doesn’t ship to some countries
If you are looking for a female-friendly multivitamin and mineral, there are plenty to choose from but they don’t come any better than POWHER Multivitamins for Women.
Powher have the dosage spot on.
Designed exclusively for women’s nutritional needs to supports optimal health. Packed with vital nutrients for ultimate convenience
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What are POWHER Multivitamins for Women
The name only tells half the story. POWHER Multivitamins for Women isn’t just a daily multivitamins capsule, it provides several important minerals as well.
The formulation was developed by a registered dietitian and is designed to make sure women who are using it daily don’t lack any of the important nutrients their bodies need.
Although the nutritional needs of women are similar to those of men, they are not the same.
For instance, the average woman only needs to consume around 200 calories per day but the average man requires 500 calories more.
Daily energy requirements are not the only difference between women and men. Women have a greater need for certain nutrients. The hormonal differences between women and men are just one of the factors that come into play.
Hormonal fluctuations due to menstruation and childbearing make women more susceptible to weak bones and osteoporosis. For this reason, the average post-menopausal woman needs more calcium than men who are of a similar age.
Menstruation also increases the dangers of anemia, so the average woman’s iron requirements are much higher than those of men.
Due to the pressures of work and/or hectic lifestyles, many people don’t always have the time or opportunity to make sure their diets are sufficiently nutrient-rich. This is a problem men and women share.
A basic multivitamin and mineral can help pick up the slack but a specialist product like POWHER Multivitamins for Women is a better option for women because it’s designed to help support female nutrient requirements.
It’s not one of those supplements produced by companies that presume the nutrient requirements of women and men are the same.

POWHER Multivitamins Benefits
- Designed to support female nutritional needs
- Supports optimal health
- Packed with vital nutrients
- Easy and convenient to use
Who Makes POWHER Multivitamins for Women
POWHER Multivitamins for Women is one of several health and wellness products manufactured and distributed by Ultimate Health. The company is based in Britain. It specializes in supplements for women. The most notable are Powher fat burner and the phenomenal LeanBean.
Ultimate Life does not make supplements for men.
How to Use POWHER Multivitamins for Women
The important thing to remember is POWHER Multivitamins for Women is not intended to replace a healthy diet. It’s designed to complement one. If you want to get the best from the supplement, you still need to eat three nutritious meals per day.
The dose is one capsule each day. It’s best to take the capsule with an 8 oz glass of water, alongside food.
There are no hard and fast rules about the time you take the capsule. It’s just a case of choosing a time that suits your daily routine.
You could decide to take the capsule first thing in the morning, the last thing at night, or in the middle of the day.
However, it’s a good idea to pick a time of day and then stick with it. Doing so will help you keep the optimum amount of nutrients circulating in your blood.
There is no exercise requirement but getting plenty of exercise will support your goal of enjoying good overall health. According to many health and fitness experts, regular exercise may also enhance nutrient absorption.
What to Expect
POWHER Multivitamins for Women provides a specially formulated combination of vitamins and minerals that help women of all ages enjoy good health. Although you may not be able to see any visible signs the pills are working in some ways, you may be able to in others.
It’s also important to be aware the benefits will probably be more noticeable if a poor diet has caused you to suffer from one or more nutrient deficiencies.
Obviously, you won’t be able to see the effects calcium is having on your bones. If lack of iron has made you anemic though, you will probably notice a marked increase in vitality as your iron levels rise. Fatigue is one of several problems a lack of iron can cause.
If your normal diet has been lacking in iodine, this may have contributed to weight gain. If it has, you may notice it becomes easier to lose weight. Your body needs sufficient iodine to produce the thyroid hormones that govern metabolism.
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can also impair immune function.
Zinc, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D are key players in human immune function. If you have been deficient in one or more of these important nutrients, you may begin to notice you are no longer so susceptible to colds, flu, or similar infections.
Several vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, and biotin, support healthy-looking skin, nails, and hair. If you have previously been short of these nutrients, POWHER Multivitamins for Women may provide noticeable improvements in appearance.
It’s unwise to single out certain nutrients though. You need them all in varying amounts. POWHER Multivitamins for Women helps you to make sure your body is not missing out.

Ingredient Profile
Each capsule provides 26 important vitamins and minerals. Ultimate Life’s dietitians have made sure they are present in quantities that will help optimize female health.
What the Vitamins and Minerals Do
Looking at a list of ingredients is all well and good but it only tells you what’s present. It doesn’t tell you what the ingredients can do.
Are you ready to expand your knowledge?
If so, let’s take a look at the things some of the ingredients can do.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a nutrient that’s often associated with carrots. It’s probably not going to help you to see in the dark but it does help prevent night blindness and age-related vision decline.
Vitamin A also plays a role in immune function and helps to provide strong bones.
Vitamin C
As touched upon earlier in this review, Vitamin C boosts immune function. That’s why it’s an ingredient in so many over-the-counter medicines that aim to control the symptoms of colds and flu.
A powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C also helps prevent early aging and is good for the skin and hair.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is known as “the sunshine vitamin” because the body manufactures it in response to exposure to the sun. It’s also present in dietary fats but a startling number of women do not get enough.
Many people know Vitamin D aids immune function but its importance in other areas is lesser-known and emerging research suggests it may support female good health in previously unknown ways.
For instance, Vitamin D may be especially important during pregnancy. Deficient women are more susceptible to weak bones, as are the babies growing inside them. (
B Vitamins
Some vitamin pills only provide a few B vitamins. This one has a lot.
Individually and collectively, B vitamins can increase vitality by aiding the efficient absorption of energy from food. That’s why most energy drinks have several B vitamins listed on the reverse of the can.
Vitamin B12 can be especially important for women because it aids red blood cell production, helping to protect against anemia.
There are no plant sources of Vitamin B12 so vegan and vegetarian women are more likely to become deficient.
Vitamin B3 (niacin) is another useful nutrient. It aids circulation and lowers blood pressure. One of the other things it does is lower cholesterol. After menopause, women become more prone to high cholesterol than men.
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is especially important during pregnancy. Lack of this important B vitamin increases the likelihood of birth defects.
More commonly referred to as biotin, Vitamin B7 is one of the best vitamins for improving the health of your hair.
A woman’s need for calcium is greater than that of a man and the need increases after menopause, making women extra vulnerable to osteoporosis and weak bones.
Like Vitamin B12, iron plays an important role in red blood cell production. Lack of iron causes anemia. One of the symptoms is fatigue.
Zinc aids wound healing and immune response. Lack of zinc can cause several problems including hair loss, infertility, and loss of sex drive.
Although iron always seems to get top billing, copper is another nutrient that’s necessary for red blood cell production because it aids iron absorption.
Although severe copper deficiency is rare, it’s highly undesirable because it weakens bones and increases susceptibility to osteoporosis.
Copper also aids collagen production. Some researchers believe copper may possess antioxidant capabilities that work alongside other antioxidants to help prevent aging of the skin. (
Known Side Effects
Side effects should not be an issue with a food supplement like this, but it would be unwise to use POWHER Multivitamins for Women alongside other vitamin and mineral products without seeking medical advice first.
POWHER Multivitamins for Women is designed to work alongside your normal diet. Although the foods you eat will provide nutrients, they won’t supply them in overly high amounts and, if they don’t provide enough, POWHER Multivitamins for Women will be there to pick up the slack.
However, using POWHER Multivitamins for Women alongside other vitamin or mineral pills could cause you to get more of certain nutrients than you need, presenting a risk of side effects.
Additional Information
If you are vegan or vegetarian, you will be pleased to learn the capsule casing is made from vegetable cellulose.
Many women are vegan. In fact, there are more vegan women in the world than vegan men.
It’s hard to say why this may be but the results of one study suggests it could be because men are more like to associate eating meat with power, strength, and good health. (
However, the capsules contain a little rice hull concentrate. Many supplements do. Unless you have a rice allergy, though, its presence is unlikely to be an issue.
POWHER Multivitamins for Women Where to Buy

You can only buy POWHER Multivitamins for Women from the POWHER website. The pills are a little more expensive than basic vitamin and mineral products but high-quality supplements often cost more.
Although the POWHER website makes it easy to buy a 30-day supply of pills as a one-off purchase, that’s generally not the best way to go.
Unlike diet pills and sports supplements, multivitamin and mineral capsules are products you take long-term. Women who search for this type of product have typically already decided to take a daily supplement for the rest of their lives.
That’s why the POWHER website offers a couple of handy subscription options.
A monthly or three-monthly subscription is a good way to make sure you never run out of pills. Apart from anything else, when you have a subscription, you don’t need to keep finding the time to go online and order your next top-up of pills.
Choosing a subscription also gets you free shipping and a discount of up to 20%.
The POWHER website offers two subscription options.
You can have a fresh bottle of pills delivered every month or order three bottles and get three more delivered automatically when you are nearing the end of your 3-month supply. When you choose this option you get a 90-day money-back guarantee.
A multivitamin and mineral with a money-back guarantee? That’s unheard of but Ultimate Life is offering one anyway.
POWHER Multivitamins for Women Review Conclusion
Vitamin pills are one of the oldest types of dietary supplements available.
The first nutrient-providing pills became available in the early 1900s and, by the 1950s, vitamins pills were gracing the shelves of bathroom cabinets in most developed countries.
Since those early days, researchers have gained a better understanding of the ways vitamins and minerals support good health. They have also discovered the optimum amounts the body requires for good health.
However, although it used to be assumed the needs of men and women are the same, we now know, although universal multivitamin and mineral products are beneficial, specialist versions are better.
Some manufacturers have responded to this by producing vitamin and mineral formulations especially for women. There are also plenty of similar products aimed at men and even ones for children.
If you are looking for a female-friendly multivitamin and mineral, there are plenty to choose from but they don’t come any better than POWHER Multivitamins for Women.
It’s a very impressive product, made by a respected British company that’s willing to back it with a money-back guarantee that makes sure you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. It doesn’t come any better than that.