Leptitox Review – Detox, Appetite Control and Weight Loss

One criticism that cannot be levelled at Leptitox is that they don’t overhype. The official website is very light on information and doesn’t exactly compel you to want to try the diet pill. What do we think? Read the review

woman using Leptitox
A breakthrough solution aimed at treating fat storage and belly fat. A natural and safe solution that gets to the root-cause of weight gain, namely – leptin resistance!.

Very little positives!

Official website has very little information.
Unknown ingredient profile.

Very hard to give this dietary supplement as there is very little to go on. The manufacturer doesn’t give much away – if anything.

There is no ingredient profile.

We may be doing Leptitox a big in justice – but until we have more information we cannot recommend.

If you are looking for an effective supplement for weight loss read out best fat burners page – we have detailed the most popular and efficient products to date.

Hard to Recommended

What is Leptitox?

Leptitox is a diet pill marketed by Leptitox Nutrition. The company is pretty new. It appeared out of nowhere in June 2019.

According to information provided by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), the company is based in Colorado and the business details make interesting reading. Instead of providing their real name, the owner of the company identifies themselves as “Mr. Owner Manager.”

At the time of this review, the Leptitox BBB rating was F. The BBB uses several business ratings. The best one it offers is A+. The lowest rating is and F.

The BBB allows customers to leave company reviews. When we visited the page, four customers had done so. None of the customers had anything good to say.

Ten customers had also filed complaints with the BBB. For such a young company, this one appears to have succeeded in rubbing a lot of people the wrong way. (https://www.bbb.org/us/co/englewood/profile/vitamins-and-supplements/leptitox-0885-90268949/complaints)

Leptitox bottles
Detox formula, appetite control and weight loss support

The Leptitox website provides very little information about the product at all but it alleges it the product is the creation of Morgan Hurst and Sonya Rhodes. According to promotional videos available on YouTube, Hurst is an ex-firefighter who created the product to help his wife, who was struggling with weight issues.

Marketing and Distribution

Although the company appears to have tried selling via Amazon in the past, it now seems to focus on selling Leptitox via Clickbank. If you are not familiar with Clickbank don’t worry, we are going to explain.

Clickbank is a marketplace that makes it easy for businesses to partner with affiliate marketers. The business advertises its product(s) on the Clickbank marketplace and affiliates receive a commission every time somebody visits the page and makes a purchase via their affiliate “hop-link.”

Clickbank commission can be very high. This makes Clickbank affiliates very keen to promote products in ways that make them sell. In this case, many affiliates have created review sites and pages that make the product sound incredibly good. A few are promoting it by video reviews as well.

Leptitox Benefits

The label on the bottle promises three things:

  • Detox
  • Appetite control
  • Weight-loss

Wether the diet product can deliver is another question!

How Does Leptitox Work?

The official site doesn’t tell you a lot. It states the pills are a safe solution that targets the root cause of weight gain, which the site alleges to be leptin resistance.

Leptin is a hormone produced by body fat. The more fat your body accumulates, the more leptin it’s likely to produce.

When the brain detects elevations in leptin, it responds by reducing appetite. When levels are low, appetite increases. Science proves these things are so. It’s not just marketing spiel.

Unfortunately, some people become leptin resistant. That’s why so many overweight people never get a signal that tells them to stop eating. Judging by the way the official site presents the product, Leptitox is meant to rectify this situation, helping overweight people to stop feeling hungry and start losing weight.

All that’s great in theory. The reality is not so rosy.

Although many studies have explored the value of using supplements to improve leptin resistance, there is insufficient evidence to suggest the approach works.

The best way to improve leptin resistance is to make certain lifestyle changes such as exercising more and losing the belly fat, cutting out sugar and concentrating on eating healthily.

What’s the Best Way to Use Leptitox?

The marketing material does not provide any usage guidelines. That’s not good. There are 60 capsules in a bottle. In all probability, the dose will be two capsules per day, meaning each bottle will contain a 30-day supply.

However, what if the dose is two capsules three times per day? That’s quite a common dose with diet pills. If that’s the case here, customers will need a new bottle every 10 days. Such a scenario may seem unlikely, but it does happen. We’ve even encountered products being sold in packs that are only good for seven days.

Leptitox Ingredient Profile

The manufacturer does not provide any ingredient information.

What Do the Ingredients Do?

What do the ingredients do? This is a section we have in all of our reviews. It normally contains some of the most important information because it helps people learn if the ingredients are capable of helping the product do the things the manufacturer alleges it can do.

In the case of Leptitox, there’s nothing to write because the company behind the product provides no ingredient information at all. This is the first time we’ve encountered a situation like this. The manufacturer expects people to buy its product without knowing a thing about its contents and what they can do.

A worthy product or a sham? How is anybody expected to know? It’s a very bad state of affairs. Fortunately, customer reviews can often provide a good insight into what products can and cannot do. 

Leptitox Customer Reviews

The product appears to have been available via Amazon at some point in the past so there are some Amazon customer reviews. 

Most of them are negative and state Leptitox does not work.

Leptitox bad customer review from Amazon
A review from Amazon

The BBB website also has some reviews. In this case, every one of them is bad. The site also has an alarming number of customer complaints.

The complaints left at BBB website are mostly to do with billing and delivery problems. 

Trustpilot has Leptitox customer reviews as well. Again, there are a lot of people complaining about this product. A few people have left positive reviews but in several cases, the reviews provide a link to an affiliate website. When you see one of those on Trustpilot any credibility the reviewer may have had has got to go out the window.

A Positive Review

Leptitox good review from customer

A Negative Review

Leptitox bad review from customer

Is There a Risk of Side Effects?

There is a risk of side effects with most weight loss products. Depending on the formulation, the chances can be very high or quite low. In this case,  there is no way to be sure what problems it may present because the manufacturer fails to reveal the ingredients.

The fact that the ingredients are unknown makes Leptitox a risky product to buy. If you do decide to take a chance, we strongly recommend you don’t consume any pills without first showing the bottle to a doctor. If the doctor is happy for you to take them, you are good to go.

Hit or Miss? (Can You Lose Weight with Leptitox?)

How this product is likely to really perform for the average person is anybody’s guess. The lack of an ingredient profile makes it impossible to evaluate the abilities of the formulation.

Some customer reviews suggest the product may work for certain people but how reliable are they? Affiliate marketers often go to great lengths to make the product they favor sound better than they are. That includes suppressing evidence that suggests their true value might be zilch.

However, even presuming this to be a great product that works really well, Leptitox is a product produced by a company that has managed to upset its customers enough to make them complain to the BBB.

All the complaints about paying for products and not receiving the shipment are alarming. So is the amount of people saying the company gave them the runaround when they reached out and reported problems with their orders.

When you research a company and its products and find the number of people reporting problems is greater the number of people offering praise, it’s a sign that you may be better off walking away.

Purchasing Options and Considerations for Buying Leptitox

Leptitox is only available via Clickbank. Customers can access the sales page via various hop-links provided on affiliate websites. The official Leptitox website sends site visitors to Clickbank for order-processing as well. 

The RRP appears to be $99 for a single bottle of pills (60 capsules). However, at the time of this review, the price was down to a more reasonable $59.

There were also some multi-buy savings available.

Customers ordering three bottles could save $10 per bottle and get a bonus bottle of colon cleanse.

Customers opting to buy six bottles only needed to pay $39 per bottle and got two free bottles of colon cleanse.

In all cases, shipping was free but Clickbank adds sales tax that pushes the price up. That means the price you originally see is never the price you pay.

The cost of buying Leptitox is similar to that of buying any of the top diet pills so $39-$59 may not seem too bad. However, the thing to remember is you don’t know what you are getting or what it is really likely to do.

If it doesn’t work, it will be be disappointing, if the ingredients make you ill, things could be considerably worse. Furthermore, Leptitox does not appear to have a money-back guarantee.

About Steve Calvert

Steve Calvert (CPD Certified in Nutrition for Weight Loss) Steve is an experienced writer and researcher with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the fitness, nutrition and weight loss sector. He has a background in bodybuilding and the martial arts and continues to use a combination of exercise and healthy eating to stay in shape. Steve has reviewed hundreds of supplements since 2012. He is very accurate and methodical in his approach and understand the importance using correctly dosed ingredients. LinkedIn